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Tuesday 11th February at 6.30pm
A FREE meal is provided every week

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It's all about Jesus

Gather label

We gather to worship God, pray and serve one another.


Grow label

Together we grow to become more like Jesus.

Go Label

Full of the Holy Spirit, we go to make Jesus known to others.

Our Story


Our journey began in January 2018 when 20 people from Jubilee Church, Worthing  started meeting together with the common aim of starting a church in Littlehampton.  This desire to start a church came as a response to a prophetic vision given to Jubilee Worthing which would see one church becoming 5, all within an hours journey from Worthing.  

Trinity Church, under the leadership of Martin Garratt, is the first one to be birthed.


The church belongs to Jesus and is ultimately led by Him. Jesus is described in the Bible as husband to the Church and also as its shepherd. He has entrusted the local church to leaders who are given the task of caring and leading the church on His behalf.

Therefore, all who lead in the church should follow Jesus’ example and lead with a servant heart, motivated by grace.

Trinity is currently led by a group of 4 couples, with Martin leading the team. 

Church Family
Martin and Tania

Martin & Tania

Martin recently left his role as Headteacher of a school in West Sussex to take on full-time leadership of Trinity Church.  He is married to Tania with 4 fantastic children, 2 daughters-in-law, and two gorgeous granddaughters.



Faithful to the BIBLE

We are committed to the faithful preaching and teaching of the Bible.


Saved and motivated by GRACE

We are saved by grace, sustained by grace and will be glorified because of grace.  We did nothing to deserve God's saving grace, He accepts us undeservedly and unconditionally, and calls us to show the same grace to others.


Empowered by the HOLY SPIRIT

We believe God has given the Holy Spirit to believers and to the church to empower us to serve and love, and also to receive revelation about God, the church and the world.


Shaped by the PROPHETIC

We believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12, and that the prophetic can and does shape us as individuals and as a church. We believe that prophetic input is crucial in providing ongoing direction and encouragement to us as a church.


SERVANT-HEARTED followers of Jesus

We are called to be servants who die to ourselves for the benefit of others.  It's our longing to see this fully modelled in every aspect of life


Devoted to MISSION

We are passionate about fulfilling our call to see the Kingdom of God extended locally and internationally.  We are committed to sharing the good news of Jesus to the people of Littlehampton and the nations so that Jesus has worshippers from every people-group and for God to receive the glory.


Celebrating DIVERSITY

We celebrate our diversity and unity which crosses age, ethnicity, language, culture, economic status, class, education and sex.  We work hard to break down every wall of division and seek to bring together "One New Man in Christ" in the way we display God's new humanity in Christ Jesus


Embracing the POOR

We seek to continue the apostolic call to remember the poor so that we all participate  as co-equal partners in God's worldwide mission.

Our Friends

Trinity is part of a bigger family of churches called ‘Regions Beyond’ who work together under the leadership of Steve Oliver.  We partner together to plant community-impacting churches around the world.  We are currently working into Africa, Asia, the Middle East, the Americas and Europe.

Regions Beyond is part of the Newfrontiers network of churches.


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Tel: 07828565138


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